In Our State
State Convention
The National Federation of the Blind of Nevada State Convention is the largest gathering of blind people in the state. It is the premier event for training, support, and information for the blind community. It also serves as a governing body, democratically electing our leadership and establishing each year's organizational priorities.
Unable to read the newspaper? We have the answer! It’s as easy as dialing a phone! And it’s FREE!
Learn MoreFrom Our National Community
Braille Monitor
The Braille Monitor is the flagship publication of the National Federation of the Blind.
Read the Braille Monitor!Free White Cane Program
The white cane allows you to travel independently and safely—no blind person should be without one. We offer you a free one. You can order a new one every six months. The National Federation of the Blind has distributed nearly 100,000 free white canes since 2008.
Request a free white cane!
Uber and Lyft Service Animal Survey
If you use Uber or Lyft and have a service animal or travel with someone who does, please complete our Uber and Lyft survey. For questions, contact Mark Tadder, coordinator, at [email protected]
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